During election season, the question I get asked most often is What do you know about the judges?
Readers often tell me they don’t know who to vote for or where to find information on judges. So this year, we expanded our Voting Guide specifically to include the candidates running for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court as well as Orange County Court. Judges aren’t permitted to discuss political issues or potential rulings, so we asked them about judicial temperament, maintaining the integrity of the court and how they interpret the law. But the issue you'll find that comes up most often is wrangling the caseload of the docket.
The election to find a successor to Bill Cowles as Orange County Supervisor of Elections is no doubt one of the most consequential local elections this year. The Republican Party is already laying the foundation to contest the 2024 election. Claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen were widely disproven — by former President Trump's own inner circle of advisors. But because perpetuating false claims undermines faith in our free, fair and secure electoral process, we asked all of the candidates in the Supervisor of Elections Democratic primary how they would handle future claims of election fraud here in Orange County if they were elected.
We typically cover the state and Congressional races for legislators representing our corner of West Orange, but now our guide also includes the races for School Board District 4, Public Defender, State Attorney and Orange County Commission District 1.
To assemble this guide, we sat down with every candidate who consented to interview and did extra research on those who didn't. (Those who declined our interview invitations include Republican Congressman Daniel Webster, Republican State Rep. Keith Truenow and his opponent Cheryl "CJ" Blancett, currently awaiting trial on felony grand theft, and Democrat Randolph Bracy III.)
Using Intelius, we ran background checks, poured through candidates' social media channels and fact-checked our information. Along the way, we covered a host of election-related stories in our new dedicated Elections section.
Staff for this project included myself, VoxPopuli contributing reporter Kathryn Brudzinski, University of Central Florida journalism interns Andrea Charur, Lucy Dillon and Jake Bell and freelance editor Dibya Sarkur.
Some election profiles are still being finalized. We will activate the buttons for those races as all profiles are complete.
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The winner faces Democrat nominee Barbie Harden Hall on Nov. 5.
This is an open primary for all voters. The winner goes to Tallahassee.
The winner faces Democrat nominee Stephanie Dukes on Nov. 5.
This is an open primary for all voters. The winner goes to Tallahassee.
Friday, Aug. 16, Chief Judge Lisa Munyon of the Ninth Circuit Court removed independent candidate Cynthia Harris from the ballot for improperly paying her qualifying fee and then forging a document to cover it up. All ballots cast are now null. The Democratic primary is canceled and the race will be opened to all voters on Nov. 5.
This is an open election for all voters. The winner gets the school board seat.
The winner faces former State Attorney, Democrat Monique Worrell and serving independent State Attorney, Andrew Bain on Nov. 5.
With long-serving Public Defender Robert Wesley retiring, this is the first time the Public Defender's office has been on the ballot in 24 years. Regardless of who wins, the office will have a woman at the helm for the first time in history.
This is an open election for all voters.
This is an open election for all voters.
This is an open election for all voters.
This is an open election for all voters.
This is an open election for all voters.
This election is open to all District 1 voters.