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SNAP recipients who lost food in Hurricane Ian can get replacement benefits

West Orange County residents, who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) and had spoiled or damaged food as a result of Hurricane Ian, can request replacement benefits, according to the Florida Department of Children and Family Services (DCF).

DCF issued a mass replacement of SNAP benefits for the county’s residents who did not receive an early disbursement of their Sept. 15-28 benefits to help with storm preparations. Those were automatically loaded onto  Electronic Benefit Transfer cards on Oct. 3.

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SNAP recipients can apply online to replace Oct 1-14 benefits to replenish food that spoiled during Hurricane Ian.
Courtesy of KOMU News

Households that would typically receive SNAP benefits Oct. 1-14, also received them earlier — on Sept. 27 — to help buy food items in advance of the storm. Unlike the late September benefits, however, automatic replacements can't be processed for Oct. 1-14 benefits, according to the DCF website. But it’s possible to apply online for individual replacement benefits to cover food that spoiled during the storm. Through October, benefits can be used to purchase hot meals at supermarkets.

Forms for replacement benefits can be found here, and in Spanish and Creole. Submit forms no later than 10 days after the loss.

 FEMA also opened an online portal for federal assistance.

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