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The FCC wants to pay your Internet bill. Really.

The Federal Communications Commission opened the temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program Wednesday to provide $50 a month per household ($75 on tribal lands) to help pay for Internet service during the pandemic. The program also includes a one-time $100 payment toward a laptop, desktop or tablet from participating providers when consumers kick in between $10 and $50 toward the purchase price. 

The program will stay open until six months after the pandemic is over … or the money runs out.

Access the program at GetEmergencyBroadbandProgram.org to see if your Internet provider is participating.and start the application process. 

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Use the EBB to help pay for Internet service or cell phone bills and upgrade your computer equipment.

Households are eligible if you …

  • lost money during the pandemic and made less than $198,000 for joint filers or $99,000 for single filers in 2020
  • have an income that’s at or below 135 percent of federal poverty guidelines
  • participate in a federal assistance program like SNAP, Medicaid or Lifeline
  • got a Pell grant this year
  • are approved for benefits for free- or reduced-price lunch or breakfast at school
  • qualify for your ISP’s existing low-income or Covid-19 program

Benefits are paid directly to your Internet provider — no waiting on checks or direct deposits. Money can be used to pay for a home Internet connection or mobile phone. But you only get one benefit per household, so you’ll have to choose.

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