Annexation will be on the Jan. 27 city commission agenda, says City Manager Jon Williams.
READ MOREThe decision was driven by the omicron variant, says City Manager Jon Williams.
READ MOREThe change was instituted after community outrage over Riegl USA's helipad nearly being green-lit without public input.
READ MORETwo seats and the mayor’s gavel will be decided in March 8 election.
READ MOREWinter Garden city officials forgot to get buy-in from residents of three communities about the helipad that Riegl USA proposed to build near their homes before they put it on the city commission agenda for votes in October and November. The helipad is now on hold.
READ MORECompany president says they are evaluating other locations while city planners take heat for keeping helipad quiet.
READ MOREClaim noise from low-flying helicopters would disturb wildlife and home-office workers, harm veterans and autistic children in nearby communities.
READ MORE"Once the community is involved, we'll have a better outcome," says Jamie Holley (right), president of One Winter Garden.
READ MOREWhen disposable diapers cost as much as $80 for the approximately 300 diapers a baby needs each month, low-wealth families often come up about 19 diapers short. Winter Garden diaper doyenne Sharon Lyles is spotlighting this ongoing issue within our communities during National Diaper Need Awareness Week.
READ MORE“We needed to address the Garden’s checkered past of diversity and inclusivity,” said artistic director Joseph C. Walsh.