The moment Oakland’s April 9 public work session ended with three commissioners nominating unsuccessful mayoral candidate Sal Ramos to his former seat on the commission, resident Anne Fulton set up a bench outside of the Oakland Meeting Hall with petitions to start a recall campaign to remove them all.
“Please go outside, and sign the petition to have these donkeys fired,” Shaun Fulton, Anne’s husband, shouted inside the Oakland Meeting Hall.
By the end of the night, they’d collected approximately 75 signatures.
Now, Anne Fulton’s resident recall movement is circulating two petitions to recall Commissioners Rick Polland and Joseph McMullen — and they’re waiting to start petitions for the other two.
She launched the website Recall Oakland to facilitate the effort.
“My personal opinion is that the three commissioners had their minds made up before they went to the meeting,” Anne Fulton said in a recent interview. “I believe that they always planned on putting Sal back in as commissioner.”
The commissioners have denied working together to re-appoint Ramos.
As a reminder of how we got to this point, Polland, McMullen and recently re-seated Vice Mayor Mike Satterfield chose Ramos to reoccupy his seat after hearing from 12 interested applicants at the April 9 public work session to choose a new commissioner.
Ramos vacated his commission seat to run for mayor, and the seat remained open during the election. Vacancies on the town commission are filled by the commission and require a majority vote of three commissioners, according to the town charter.
Thirteen Oaklanders applied to fill the vacancy after the town opened the application process; one withdrew and one did not meet the 12-month residency requirement. The application process was Mayor Shane Taylor's idea to create an “equitable process” for selecting the next commissioner, VoxPopuli reported. Ramos was among the applicants.
With a dozen applicants with engineering, financial, legal and health backgrounds asking to be considered for Seat 3, many residents wanted — and expected — another new member to be appointed to the commission. Many residents have said that electing Taylor as mayor, with 65 percent of the vote, was a clear indication that the town wanted change and wanted people on the commission to help Taylor bring it about. Still, others have said they thought Ramos served the town well and wanted him to remain on the commission.
Meanwhile, the Oakland Residents Facebook group has been buzzing about the recall effort, with many members eager to sign the petitions. Residents said that the Poland-McMullen-Satterfield decision to appoint Ramos “smells like ‘shady politics’” and “seems like cronyism.”
“I haven’t signed yet but I will,” one member of Oakland Residents wrote in the comments. “This last disgraceful meeting was waste [sic] as the fix was in [sic] the keep the ole boys together. They just spit in the faces of the applicants ignoring all qualifications.”
Fulton, who had applied for Seat 3, experienced a minor setback after she learned that two commissioners could not immediately be recalled and that petitions require a statement of the reason for the recall. She started over with fresh petitions and has since collected 50 signatures. She needs 338 signatures, 10 percent of registered voters, to move the recall forward. She plans to send out a mailer soon to alert all Oakland’s registered voters about the website and recall effort.
Under Florida Statute 100.361, elected officials cannot be recalled until they are a quarter of the way into their term. That means Satterfield and Ramos, who just started their new terms, are protected from the current recall drive, but only temporarily. Fulton's website has timers that are counting down to the minute until petitions can be circulated for their recall.
Fulton is working to document the “reasons there’s distrust in the commissioners” on Oakland Recall, she said.
“I'm shooting for straight facts. If I don't have hard evidence, I'm only going to be putting strong circumstantial evidence on there so people can draw their own conclusions,” Fulton told VoxPopuli in a follow-up interview.
Satterfield, Polland and McMullen did not respond to emailed requests for comment about the recall drive. VoxPopuli also attempted to reach McMullen via text and received no response.
Fulton, who was gathering signatures outside the Healthy West Orange Arts and Heritage Center over the weekend, will be collecting signatures on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at Oakland General. Check Recall Oakland or the Oakland Residents Facebook group for dates and times.
Meanwhile, she said she’s seen a steady stream of people joining Oakland Residents since the April 9 meeting in Oakland — more than 60 residents. And she hears from at least five residents a day, asking how they can get involved.
“We’re just getting a lot of support every day,” Fulton said, “so it’s really encouraging.”
Elected officials aren't meant to be recalled on a whim, which is why the process is intentionally arduous. Here's what's involved, according to Florida Statute 100.361 and government law expert Clifford Shepard, founder and partner of Shepard, Smith, Kohlmyer & Hand in Maitland.
“It was very public that I stormed out and threw my petitions on the table,” Fulton said. “So I'm just gonna keep going with [the original deadline].”
If the supervisor of elections determines that the petitions are valid:
During a recall election, voters will vote simultaneously on whether the official(s) should be removed from office and the candidates to replace them. It’s like any regular election, with officials campaigning to stay in office and challengers running to succeed them.
The candidates with the most votes would fill the empty seats for the rest of the official(s)’ term. The seat with the longest term is given to the candidate with the most votes, and so on for all the officials removed.
In Oakland’s case, that would be Polland, re-elected in 2022, in the town’s first election in 16 years prior to the mayoral election. McMullen, unopposed in 2022, was also re-seated that year. Both terms are up in 2026, as is Ramos’ since he filled a vacancy. Oakland commissioners typically serve four-year terms.
Shepard said in a Monday phone interview that unless the petitions are contested in court and brought before a judge, the strength of the reasons behind the recall doesn’t matter if the petitions garner enough signatures.
“The voters decide whether it’s enough,” Shepard said.