Sponsored by the city’s Human Relations Diversity Board, the campaign’s centerpiece is a video series from LinkedIn Learning.
READ MOREResidents to vote on amendments during March election.
READ MORE“It’s a fair agreement,” says union president Chris Atalski.
READ MOREAMC West Oaks 14 to honor $4 National Cinema Day tickets.
READ MORERichard Geller, who directed post-election charter review, is new city attorney.
READ MOREDevelopment consortium to give $400,000 toward project.
READ MOREA new spirit of cooperation has replaced the bitterness that plagued past bargaining sessions.
READ MOREMembers expected to close loopholes related to election woes.
READ MOREAfter 10 years in two temp locations, fire fighters union president says, "We'll believe it when we see it."
READ MORELittle information about the application process or criteria is available; OCPS has no information whether the scholarship will be offered again this year.
READ MOREAfter months of bitter fighting, both sides find compromise and reach a fair deal.
READ MOREMore than 150 kids are expected to receive toys collected by local sponsors
READ MOREShop owners helped draft the compliance ordinance meant to police their business.
READ MOREAfter months of haggling, the city refused to sign off on its own proposal unless the union caved on wages. Now it's up to a special magistrate from the Public Employees Relations Commission.
READ MOREIn a rebuke to Orange County, Ocoee votes to revise its own controversial pet retailer ordinance to include oversight and regulation.
READ MORELocal officials and residents gathered at the Withers-Maguire House where 2,977 miniature American flags dotted the lawn — one for each life lost in the terrorist attacks.
READ MOREVoxPopuli made a public records request and obtained a former Ocoee firefighter’s disciplinary files from a previous job. Was that an accident … or retaliation?
READ MOREThat’s one of the big issues as Ocoee’s firefighters meet with city negotiators for round five of contract talks.
READ MOREDebate was lively at Ocoee's city commission meeting on Tuesday as commissioners sparred over how much input residents get into the hiring process for the next chief of police. (In truth, not much.)
READ MORE“The evidence is not there.”
READ MOREHomeowners in the floodplain will get a 5 percent discount starting in October; city leaders want to boost that to 15 percent in 2025.